Catholic Life and Mission - St John the Baptist, Freshwater
Faith & Mission

Catholic Life and Mission

The school serves our local parish community under the leadership of Father Chima Ofor, Parish Priest of Freshwater and Manly. The school and parish value a strong relationship and are conscious of working together to achieve this.

Vision & Mission Statement

‘Inspired by the teachings and values of Jesus Christ, we as a Catholic community, are committed to providing a challenging education, so that the future is met with faith, confidence and hope.

Our Values

The wellbeing of students, families and Staff at St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School is at the heart of our Catholic Education and our core values of;

  •   Courage
  •   Compassion
  •   Humility

Central to this, is our motto ‘Preparing the Way’ for all in our community to be positive contributing members of society with a Catholic perspective as global citizens of the world.

We are part of the Manly Freshwater Manly Parish -